Wednesday, June 15, 2011

girls are such a drag

In case you haven't noticed yet, I have had the worst luck with females over the webernet. Failed relationship after failed relationship has lead me to the conclusion that I'm destined to wander the cold, harsh planes of secondlife in solitude. Which is actually fine by me because when I take a detailed look into my past, every female I have given my heart to has toyed with my emotions, misunderstood them, or been so emotionless I could achieve more intimacy with a stuffed animal..
Love is overrated. Less than 1% of all relationships on secondlife transfer into actual real life relationships. Whether they come to a bitter end of near constant fighting or an anticlimactic, mutual agreement to part ways, romantic bonds forged on sl are the biggest waste of time, effort, and energy since the Reagan administration declared its war on drugs.
So, if sl women are getting you down, do what I do: eat an overabundance of food, masturbate to a low-budget bangbros production, and finish off with self loathing/crying in the fetal position.

It's going to take a special woman to win this guy's heart. I have standards and specifications. She has to be able to deal with the negative attention that follows me like a swarm of sweaty kids after an ice cream truck. She has to be attractive, both in second life and real life. She has to be SINGLE on sl. She has to be patient, understanding, and able to comprehend the complex nature of bipolar disorder. She has to be a good listener. She has to have a sense of humor. She has to be sexy. She has to be able to forgive and forget. She has to be between the ages of 19 and 29. She has to be brunette. Green eyes are preferred. In short, this woman does not exist.
The kind of attention you get from women when your avi is as strikingly attractive as mine is not what you might expect. A woman needs to love me for what's on the inside not the outside. Many find themselves in a world of trouble as they begin to realize that I am not the dreamboat of pixelated perfection they had hoped for. They begin to wonder if I am the same person that I was when we met. They become confused when I push them away when they are just trying to help. They feel unwanted when they find I can't express what they mean to me. These doubts begin to snowball until the relationship is inevitably over, leaving most scarred and despising themselves for what they once felt for such an asshole.
However, I know there is the potential for good and evil in all people, myself included, and it's going to take a very special key to unlock the innermost desires of my heart, body, mind, and soul. Or, perhaps a crowbar. With big tits, mmmmmmm...

But, I digress, life is what you make it, and I for one am not going to allow a woman to dominate my thoughts and actions anymore. I'm on a journey to find myself not you.

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