Thursday, June 30, 2011

it's a scouser's secondlife

Callum Ohmai apparently joined secondlife to look into the mystery of his birth. However, I'm more curious about the mystery of his present..

He has been pretty open about his tragic struggles with rl, and as far as I can tell honest, so I will spare him the public ridicule. It wouldn't affect his power trip, anyway.

Some think he is black. Others believe him to be asian. All know him to be an asshole.

So, as this blog was conceived, so shall it be reborn. All thanks to Callum Ohmai.

Apparently, according to Mr. Ohmai, I am both a lesser version of himself and #1 on his hitlist.

As you can hopefully already see, if you haven't had the chance to meet Callum yet that is, this guy is completely delusional. I had the opportunity to sit on mic with him and talk out a few things a day or so ago and soon came to realize that he basically views everything on secondlife as if it were a pay-per-view WWE wrastlin extravaganza, with words being used as folding chairs. He immediately attacked me verbally, spitting out insults about my voice and calling me out on my alleged crying fit from the previous night concerning sweetlips Ruby (where actually I just left to smoke a bowl in the middle of her menopausal rage). Typical embellished fabricated sensationalized Callum-fried bullshit. So, I remain calm trying to make sense of his irrational reasons as to why he is convinced he's the smartest, coolest, most popular person to ever walk secondlife, possessing the uncanny ability to not care what people think about him on the internet (does anybody really care what people on the internet say these days?)

And my viewer crashes, which is fairly common; correct me if I'm wrong.

Callum then proceeds to inform everyone that I "ragequit" despite the fact that 5-10min later I return to the scene.
In closing, Callum Ohmai you are the most ridiculously egotistical, cutthroat asswhipe on the webernet, congratufuckinglations.

Btw, Callum, you should pat yourself on the back if reading this hasn't already given you some sort of panic attack.

                                                           Lyric sounds like a moocow.

Callum you have pissed off more people in a month or so than I have managed to in a little over a year, so that is something that you can be proud of. As your name spreads across the land you must be giggling like a skank in a prom dress. I personally look forward to your continued exploitation of my name. If you can make them hate me anymore than they already do, I'll give you 20 points.

 In unrelated news, mctouchin resident aka mctouchin2 resident aka mctouchin3 resident aka mctouchin4 resident aka mctouchin5 resident finally got his IP ban after an uphill battle lasting roughly 2 weeks. Look forward to a montage coming soon of his greatest griefs to date.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

Ode to Mctouchin

Who could overlook the relentless efforts of the infamous mctouchin Resident over the past few weeks? Anyone who frequents Zebrasil infohub has become quite familiar with the devious acts of immaturity this unruly avitar so carelessly employs in an effort to rage against a system that he will never allow to control him. A revolutionary in every sense of the word, this social deviant will stop at nothing to satisfy his one desire: to get banned by lindenlabs. How are you supposed to stop a monster when the punishment is what he actually wants?? He finally got his account banned last night at Lighthouse Strip Club for repeated griefing hits. If you would like to join his cause, direct your focus to this landmark: secondlife://Veenfurt/150/31/90. Alas, mctouchin Resident had a good run... Here is a tribute to his efforts of subversion that he personally edited for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy:

Just when you thought it was safe to go back to your drama filled secondlives...mctouchin made a few alts. So, expect more annoying shannigans from this guy in the near future.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

This one goes out to the one i love

I still think about you everyday. I know it's been over a year since we first met. And I still can't get you out of my head. I long to be back in your secure embrace. My shelter from pain. My stronghold against the vile, infectious world. My inspiration to strive to be something better. You make me feel whole, worth something.. You gave me what no one else ever has or ever will. You are, in short, the only reason I am still here. You know who you are.

I still remember the first time you confessed your feelings to me on voice. I still remember how amazing I felt when you drug me out of the frigid darkness and back into the warmth of your love this past Christmas. I still remember our heated moments of passion, while we attempted to transcend the distance between us. I will never forget you.

I know I don't deserve you. I know I was too wrapped up in the pressing struggles within myself to accept the help you so patiently tried to offer. I know I fucked up everything I've ever wanted. I know there is little chance you will ever see me the way you once did. I know all of this, yet still my hope will not fade.

I just want you to know I'm still here for you. If you ever need to feel me, just reach out and touch me. I am learning more and more about why I act out in the ways I do, and you once said to me after all the time we spent together you think you start to figure me out and then find that you have no idea. I just wish you could understand how little control I sometimes have over the monster I contend with on a daily basis. I just wish you could see that that wasn't me when we went our separate ways this past spring. I woke up to find you out of my life and the monster inside me in full control, laughing at me as I struggled to find meaning again.

I can't blame you for wanting to leave. I can't blame you for the exasperation you felt because of my problems. I can't blame you for wanting nothing to do with me. I can't blame you for being so perfect that I can't seem to see any hope for happiness with another woman. I can only blame myself.

I'm just hoping to get this out there so you will maybe reconsider and let me back inside your world. We don't have to be like we were; I just need to know that you don't hate me. That you still think of me from time to time. That we might have a chance of being happy together once again. The last thing I want is to cause you anymore grief. I removed a good deal of my most controversial posts to protect you from those that would rather see me hurt than try to understand me. I took extreme measures to prevent your name from ever coming to the surface of this ocean of drama which I have been drowning in ever since we parted ways.

I guess all I can do is say the lamest phrase in the English language...

Friday, June 17, 2011

~Douche Bag of the Week~

I am very pleased to announce that Laurence Diabolito is the douche bag of the week. Now, perhaps I should do a little backtracking, as this roid-raging, testosterone junkie deserves a little bit of an introduction. He is one of the most generalized types of people you will run into while journeying through second life. He has no self esteem in rl and then tries to overcompensate with a big temper and intimidating avitar. Often times you will find him picking fights just because he is bored. He strokes his dick when he's not typing some lame comeback that only he thinks is funny. He will sometimes resort to making hollow threats in a feeble attempt to make himself feel like he is in control. I give you, exhibit A:

[06:26 PM]  Callum Ohmai: Just play the race card...
[06:26 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: ..•♥•··-=^.^= pOoKiE =^.^=··•♥•..
[06:26 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: is a jungle bunny
[06:26 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: awe
[06:26 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lol race card
[06:26 PM]  pOoKiE Carami: ㋡
[06:26 PM]  pOoKiE Carami: ㋡
[06:27 PM]  pOoKiE Carami: heyy bump
[06:27 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: laurence has jungle fever
[06:27 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lust
[06:27 PM]  pOoKiE Carami: ??
[06:27 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: pookie
[06:27 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: they called me racist
[06:27 PM]  pOoKiE Carami: yea?
[06:27 PM]  Callum Ohmai: Pooks... do it for the brothers... me, Lyric, you...
[06:27 PM]  pOoKiE Carami: i have them muted
[06:27 PM]  Callum Ohmai: We gotta stick together.
[06:27 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lol pookie
[06:27 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: i am a whiteboy from the south ofc im racist
[06:27 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: its in my genes
[06:28 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: ..•♥•··-=^.^= pOoKiE =^.^=··•♥•..
[06:28 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: and idc if mutes me lmao il just blog about her to get her attention
[06:28 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: and i need to remove that gesture
[06:28 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: "i'll just blog about her"
[06:28 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lol
[06:28 PM]  Callum Ohmai: Loon, screenshot that.
[06:28 PM]  Callum Ohmai: Please.
[06:28 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: wow
[06:28 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lol
[06:28 PM]  Callum Ohmai: I want proof of that.
[06:28 PM]  Callum Ohmai: "I DNT BLOG 2 GET ATENSHUN"
[06:28 PM]  pOoKiE Carami: thats pretty gay to blog someone, like u dont have anything better else to do
[06:28 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: dont worry Ll and jelly its goin on my blog just like that
[06:29 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lol
[06:29 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: save this convo
[06:29 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: i notecarded it
[06:29 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lol
[06:29 PM]  pOoKiE Carami: 。◕‿◕。ℓσℓ~。◕‿◕。
[06:29 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: you can all just hit my hyperlink if you want
[06:29 PM]  Callum Ohmai: I want the proof of Bump being a V.
[06:29 PM]  Callum Ohmai: I want the proof of him begging for attention.
[06:29 PM]  pOoKiE Carami: no thanks im not a drama queen
[06:29 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: linden labs would ban his ass((hollow threat))
[06:29 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: when they find out
[06:29 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: hey why dont we all blog about the same event form 3 different perspectives of megalomania
[06:29 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: he's posting private conversations
[06:29 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lol
[06:29 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: and pictures
[06:30 PM]  HiSLiLFrEaK69 Resident is Online
[06:30 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: and is claiming it on SL
[06:30 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: tying himself in
[06:30 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lol
[06:30 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: all the people gotta do is write reports((lmao this was said in local?!))
[06:30 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: everybody who's been blogged about
[06:30 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lol
[06:30 PM]  Foxy Starflare is Online
[06:30 PM]  Callum Ohmai sighs.
[06:30 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: lmaooo
[06:30 PM]  Callum Ohmai: Laurence, that's the dumbest thing I've read on SL.
[06:30 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: hey maybe if we all grab a pitch fork we can silence bumpkin bc we have no lives
[06:31 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lol bumpkin
[06:31 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: i mean seriously try it id liek to see it work
[06:31 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: everybody has your account
[06:31 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: in their hands
[06:31 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lol
[06:31 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: i need a reason to quit this game
[06:31 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: do it bitches
[06:31 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lol bumpkin
[06:31 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: you're so retarded
[06:31 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: u fucked urself
[06:31 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lolol
[06:31 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: hardcore TOS
[06:31 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: lolol we'll see
[06:31 PM]  Callum Ohmai: Lauren, you're being retarded.
[06:31 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: u cant spill private info
[06:31 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lol
[06:32 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: oh man this is funny
[06:32 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: callums blog is named callum versus second life he trashes people like its his job
[06:32 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: ***Fuck yo' couch, nigga...Fuck yo' COUCH!***
[06:32 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: ***Fuck yo' couch, nigga...Fuck yo' COUCH!***
[06:32 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: dont try to shift the focus bumpkin
[06:32 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: lol this is in local, genius
[06:32 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: callum will get his
[06:32 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lol
[06:32 PM]  Callum Ohmai: The only thing Bump can get in trouble for is defaming Little Miss Muffet.
[06:32 PM]  Callum Ohmai: That is it.
[06:32 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: the oppositeof private
[06:33 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: no callum
[06:33 PM]  Callum Ohmai: Handing out E-Threats is as pathetic as you can get Lauren. ((lmao))
[06:33 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: no i cant even get in trouble for that
[06:33 PM]  Callum Ohmai: Don't be a virgin all your life.
[06:33 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: if you can proove i defamed her lmao
[06:33 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: he posted private pics of her ((allegedly))
[06:33 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: and he posted conversation((deny, deny, deny))
[06:33 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: when
[06:33 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: u cant do that
[06:33 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lol
[06:33 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: thats all hearsay
[06:33 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: *laughing*
[06:33 PM]  Callum Ohmai: That's defaming her you fuckin' idiot.
[06:33 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: all hearsay
[06:33 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: it's in the TOS ((lauren, take the tos and fap to it, send the lindens a vid))
[06:33 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: LOL
[06:33 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: allegedly
[06:33 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: not that i care what people do
[06:33 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: that is the keyword here
[06:33 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: u can violate all u want
[06:33 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: i do
[06:33 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lol
[06:33 PM]  HiSLiLFrEaK69 Resident is Offline
[06:33 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: just fucked urself lol
[06:34 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: you know you are getting way to excited about this laurence
[06:34 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lol
[06:34 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: do you get off to trying to dominate people lmao
[06:34 PM]  Callum Ohmai: Please, call him Lauren.((done and done))
[06:34 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: i just think it's funny
[06:34 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: why dont you just dominate your negro slave
[06:34 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: instead
[06:34 PM]  Callum Ohmai: He's acting like a bitch, might as well be called as one.
[06:34 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: i even thought it was hilarious when u called me a "steroid freak"
[06:34 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lol
[06:34 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lolol
[06:34 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: glad i could amuse you
[06:35 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lol
[06:35 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: get you some interweb fame you earned it laurence
[06:35 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: douchebag of the week
[06:35 PM]  Laurence Diabolito: lol

Okay, so obviously Lauren likes to say lol...highly doubt he is laughing that much, probably just trying to hide the fact that he's not funny like a sitcom playing a laugh track at the worst times. So congrats Lauren and good luck with your plan to get me back for exposing what a total attention whore you are. Not that this is intended to bother you; I know you love it, you fucking douche.

Now, be sure to study exhibit B closely:
Just thought you might want your spoonful of drama for the day. "Thank you, sir, may I please have another?"

Thursday, June 16, 2011

HOTnot at Zeb

Why do I spend so much time lurking at an infohub? It's the only place I can't get banned from/forced to leave, duh.

Been keeping tabs on you Zebrasilers for the past few months, and although most of you are getting there in terms of fashion sense, there are quite a few who need a sl makeover. Let's start with the hot list..not much to work with, so don't let it go to your head just because you made the cut ;p

 Queen Valeska is not hot. Sorry, but those grey eyes, grey hair, and glasses are just not attractive. Pedro, however, definitely made the hotlist. That is one beautiful doggy.
 Baphgate Daines is HOTT!!! With a 'cocky' attitude and killer looks to boot, this guy can be seen sporting some of the trendiest styles in sl. An all around badass, this dude knows how to rock just about any look.
 Bumpkin Bigbear is obviously on the hot list. This blog is in no way biased....
Deene Starfall is one of the hottest avitars at the infohub, and she wouldn't mind me telling you that she hunts out most of her looks for free. She's living proof that you don't have to spend alot to be hott. Nice job with the trends, girl. Her new eye makeup is this shit...just can't see it in this pic. o.o

 The noob is just NOT hott. With his default skin, shape, and clothes he is not original. He probably doesn't even know how to open his inventory. And the default typing animation is gay as fuck.
 Wlasik Bechir is also NOT hot. I mean the brown and black totally clash, and his chest hair is repulsive. His freebie hair makes this ensemble even less appealing to the ladies.
 Hazel Romano is NOT hot...I mean just look at this 80s fashion nightmare. Her hair says it all, but even her normal curly hair is just too much. Her skin could use some work, as well. She should stop coaching the noobs long enough to work on herself.
 Becca Alderton is NOT hot. She has like 3 different colors in her hair. She needs to pick just one and stick with it. That is a surefire way to get some negative attention from the guys. Her body type is way too tall; she looks like an amazon. And her eyes look like creepy doll eyes.
 Autumn Darkrose here is exhibiting the hybrid neko look with a human shape and furry tail. NOT hot.

And this installment of HOTnot's Ugliest Bitch Award goes to none other than Margo Elan. One look at Margo and you will understand why she has to grope her own breasts. Her shape is hideous, giving her the look of a tranny with high cheek bones, broad shoulders, and giant hands. Her hair is poorly made, and the sad thing is she probably paid for it. Her outfit is just slutty without any class, and her eyes look like they are bulging out of her skull.

Well, hope you enjoyed this segment..give me some feedback, and I might do another soon;) thanks for letting me waste your time; feel free to waste more time sending the people on the not list an IM encouraging them to get their shit together, or if you want you can hit on the hotties. peace, bitches~

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

girls are such a drag

In case you haven't noticed yet, I have had the worst luck with females over the webernet. Failed relationship after failed relationship has lead me to the conclusion that I'm destined to wander the cold, harsh planes of secondlife in solitude. Which is actually fine by me because when I take a detailed look into my past, every female I have given my heart to has toyed with my emotions, misunderstood them, or been so emotionless I could achieve more intimacy with a stuffed animal..
Love is overrated. Less than 1% of all relationships on secondlife transfer into actual real life relationships. Whether they come to a bitter end of near constant fighting or an anticlimactic, mutual agreement to part ways, romantic bonds forged on sl are the biggest waste of time, effort, and energy since the Reagan administration declared its war on drugs.
So, if sl women are getting you down, do what I do: eat an overabundance of food, masturbate to a low-budget bangbros production, and finish off with self loathing/crying in the fetal position.

It's going to take a special woman to win this guy's heart. I have standards and specifications. She has to be able to deal with the negative attention that follows me like a swarm of sweaty kids after an ice cream truck. She has to be attractive, both in second life and real life. She has to be SINGLE on sl. She has to be patient, understanding, and able to comprehend the complex nature of bipolar disorder. She has to be a good listener. She has to have a sense of humor. She has to be sexy. She has to be able to forgive and forget. She has to be between the ages of 19 and 29. She has to be brunette. Green eyes are preferred. In short, this woman does not exist.
The kind of attention you get from women when your avi is as strikingly attractive as mine is not what you might expect. A woman needs to love me for what's on the inside not the outside. Many find themselves in a world of trouble as they begin to realize that I am not the dreamboat of pixelated perfection they had hoped for. They begin to wonder if I am the same person that I was when we met. They become confused when I push them away when they are just trying to help. They feel unwanted when they find I can't express what they mean to me. These doubts begin to snowball until the relationship is inevitably over, leaving most scarred and despising themselves for what they once felt for such an asshole.
However, I know there is the potential for good and evil in all people, myself included, and it's going to take a very special key to unlock the innermost desires of my heart, body, mind, and soul. Or, perhaps a crowbar. With big tits, mmmmmmm...

But, I digress, life is what you make it, and I for one am not going to allow a woman to dominate my thoughts and actions anymore. I'm on a journey to find myself not you.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

friends, who needs them?

Despite the rampant hatred on secondlife there are a couple of perks that somehow make all the bullshit you have to deal with on a regular basis worth the trouble. Meeting new people who don't already have some biased opinion or prejudice against me is getting harder and harder these days, but I guess that is just the price I pay for not pussing out and making an alt to hide behind. The blog isn't helping these matters, but unlike most of the avitars shuffling around with their thumbs stuck up their asses, I have something to say. Now...if I could just remember what that was again...

Oh, yeah.. friendships on secondlife are one of the reasons people play this shit so much. Now, some people like to treat it like a popularity contest, racking up as many followers for their agenda as they possibly can. I don't buy into clans (two-faced, fake people who are more interested in numbers than the individual). I don't buy into the whole pretend you have a perfect family and let's all live together and make each other miserable slifestyle. I'm not even a social why the fuck am I on this game? To make you all hate me? no. To make the best damn sl blog ever? no. To get rich? definitely not.  I'm on here for the same reason most of you probably escape the horror that is rl. And you can all expose how awful my real life is, exaggerate and manipulate my words, twist them around into something that makes you feel better about your own sad excuse for an existence, but the point you seem to be missing is that it doesn't really bother me to have it out there. I tell people this shit for a reason you know.... and it's not because I want to hide it. I don't claim to be the coolest, hardest, baddest ass troll there is out there. I'm human; yes, I have emotions, and they are not always pretty. I bleed just like you do contrary to popular belief.

But...back to the subject of friendship...I think a better word for friendship on secondlife would be betrayal. Everyone on this game is concerned with one thing, themselves. They aren't trying to be good friends; in most cases they are using you for one thing or another. Extraction of information in some instances.. in others they just want to vent to you like a disposable barf bag on an airplane ride. Some friends claim they care, but they really just want to keep you as backup in case they break up with their significant other. Or they will use you to fill the void when that person isn't on. Some friends band together because they feel strength in numbers and want to oppress a group or individual. The one certainty in all friendships is that they come to an end eventually.

People of secondlife move through their virtual lives at an accelerated rate when compared to those in the real world. Where instant gratification is king and selfish ambition queen, many cycle through friends and relationships like a homeless person at an all you can eat buffet.

So, try to think about what you are throwing away the next time you click remove. Try to think about what you mean to someone else and not what they mean to you. Try to consider the possibility that the virtual world does not revolve around you and your self-righteous agenda.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

hate machine

I love the hate on this game. It's what everyone feeds off of apparently. Whether you're the manager of a half-rate club, a random asshole on the net or a conservative fuck with his/her panties on so tight its cutting off the circulation to their nerve ending, a badass who thinks because he can flood crash sims he's entilted to some sort of demigod reverence, you all hate. Either you're getting hated on or you're hating someone else or you're talking about he said she said bs, most of which is fueled by none other than hatred. I propose you stop for just a moment...and consider the facts.

Why do you all talk about drama? BECAUSE YOU ALL HAVE NO LIVES!! that's right, I said it. Well some of you claim to, but the ones who really feed on it: they know who they are. Some don't know it yet. Some tried to contain it. Everyone loves to hate.

so try to show some love to a random stranger today or insert a hersey's kiss instructions:

Or just keep on hating, whatever. You will, regardless of what you read here. I like to believe man's capacity for good will somehow overshadow his darker depths of evil.That's my story, anyways, and I'm sticking to it. 

**for the record, i don't hate everyone...just most people. 
here's some funny stuff that happened to me today (O.0)

[10:12 PM]  Autumn Darkrose: get bent bump i dont need or want your drama
[10:12 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: hi autumn
[10:12 PM]  Aerica Resident: Ooo... =/
[10:12 PM]  Aerica Resident: maybe not so good.. lol
[10:12 PM]  mike Osei is Online
[10:13 PM]  baphgate Daines is Online
[10:13 PM]  XKone Resident: oooo kkkkkkkk
[10:14 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: dont mind her shes just a vindictive crazy bitch
[10:14 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: forget to take your vicodin ho

[10:15 PM]  Aerica Resident: someone told me today.. that i should be wearing panties.. BUT why should i wear panties when you can already see so much in this dress?? thats just foolish lol
[10:16 PM]  Aerica Resident: my panties would show too much. would look bad.
[10:16 PM]  Aerica Resident: yuck.
[10:16 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: lol
[10:16 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: bug are attracted to the fire
[10:16 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: they migt get in your vagina if you dont waer them
[10:16 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: through the cracks
[10:16 PM]  Aerica Resident: nuh uh..((insert: shes wearing a dress filled with holes?? what a whore!))
[10:17 PM]  Aerica Resident: No bugs are getting in this pussy buddy.. lol
[10:17 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: they were just being considerate probably
[10:17 PM]  Aerica Resident: I keep it clean. lol should be no issues.
[10:18 PM]  tmurr27 Resident has entered chat range (8.0m)
[10:18 PM]  baphgate Daines has entered chat range (11.0m)
[10:18 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: youre the one who decided to dress up as a skank
[10:19 PM]  Aerica Resident: Lol. im not a skank.((She totally is!))
[10:19 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: lol no1 said you were
[10:19 PM]  Autumn Darkrose: Baph!! how ya been babe?
[10:19 PM]  Aerica Resident: Bigbear you be nice to me.((Done and done. get famous, ho))
[10:19 PM]  Aerica Resident: Hello Baph =)
[10:19 PM]  baphgate Daines: sup autumn
[10:19 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: baph you bastard
[10:20 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: whatsup
[10:20 PM]  baphgate Daines: hi aerica
[10:20 PM]  XKone Resident has entered chat range (16.6m)
[10:20 PM]  baphgate Daines: sup dick
[10:20 PM]  baphgate Daines: lol
[10:20 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: my nutsack
[10:20 PM]  baphgate Daines: u know im kiddin
[10:20 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: sure lol
[10:20 PM]  baphgate Daines: i just came back from the poison concert
[10:20 PM]  baphgate Daines: lol
[10:21 PM]  baphgate Daines: O.O
[10:21 PM]  Bumpkin Bigbear: @_@
[10:21 PM]  1 Liter Beer whispers: Now THAT I needed!

**So yall want sum mo' skanks??? HELL YEAH!!!! you know you do:
[9:38]  Becca Alderton: awwww we scared him
[9:38]  Bumpkin Bigbear: i might give you a reach around if you are lucky
[9:38]  Becca Alderton: u think huh
[9:38]  Manny Metaller: what's up w/ the dick
[9:38]  Manny Metaller: ??
[9:39]  Becca Alderton: i like dicks up
[9:39]  Manny Metaller: hahaa
[9:39]  Bumpkin Bigbear: oh my god.
[9:39]  Bumpkin Bigbear: :O
[9:39]  Becca Alderton: more fun then them down *GIGGLES* :)~~~~
[9:39]  TheMajestic Monk: YES! YES! YES! YES!
[9:39]  TheMajestic Monk: YES! YES! YES! YES!
[9:39]  Bumpkin Bigbear: she has a point
[9:39]  Becca Alderton: smiles

>>hotNOT coming up next.. so dress to impress and see how many noobs hit on you at zebrasil. ((i average a couple hits a day. sleep with one and spread love, not hate.))

Friday, June 10, 2011

h8rs wanna h8 cause i got me some bapes

I'm going to try and keep this blog strictly virtual, meaning I share as little as possible about my real life as I can. Reason being, I have more haters than ash has pokemon. No doubt they will be reading this, more than my lovers/friends probably. So up front I want to go ahead and turn some of them off. Rach Verity can suck a fat one; shes usually busy running around pretending she is a queen in her lameass vamp clan of twofaced rejects. Also Becca Alderton you prudish self righteous twat you can eat my choad- you are way too old to still be playing video games. Uhm... Callum your blog inspired me to start my own but don't take that to mean I want to be like you. I'd rather show you how blogging is done, bitch. You're no internet celebrity; you're just an egotistical wanka with an agenda for pissing people off...which I have to admit you have done a good job of but seriously get over yourself. The best writing is in truth not lies. Hazel Romano you need to have a noob orgy at zebrasil and take off your bump forcefield and let the brainless fucks eat worms out of your cunt. That would really amuse us and teach them all a valuable lesson in online relationships on secondlife. Uh, Skylor Kingmaker if your monkey ass ever stumbles upon this I just want you to know I have always found you repulsive, not just your disgusting physique, but your personality is  horribly fake. You are two faced as a coin, and I wouldn't eat your stanky pussy even if you smeared nutella all over it. But, I digress...more internet flaming/exposures as they become available.

I'm not a bad person. If you know me well you know that I have more facets than that pixelated diamond you shelled out way too much L for in your pathetic attempt at courting a female (who is probably a lurker dude) on the interwebs. I can be really sweet, really funny, or really real. It just takes a while to peel back my layers. This blog will chiefly be a means for me to vent. Since my 'friends' got tired of listening to my rants and raves maybe I can reach some of you and find someone who can tolerate me. And then again maybe not, but the fun part is in trying.
Oh, shit, I forgot....I want some prim eyes so I'm going to go get those. Plus I've run out of steam for now. Has anyone else noticed that I'm hotter than all the other males in sl?? Seriously guys step up your game and start giving a shit about what you present to the world.. tired of all these Johnny Bravo/Buzz Lightyear avis and slicked up manwhores who look like they are oozing sweat out of every pore. What is up with that? I'm not even going to touch on the fembois you are all just about as nonconformist as a suburban neighborhood's houses. Oops I'm ranting again. Deuces....don't do can if you want.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

to grief or not to grief

so the damn lindens have once again intervened with their divine powers of discretion and deemed my conduct inappropriate. which i cant really blame them for....only they should think twice before suspending me even if its only for a day. sl for me is an outlet for my frustration and at the same time a cause for it too. the point i'm driving at here is when they ban i lose the ability to vent; so in an effort to 'stick it to the man' i have been doing some old fashioned griefing on my alt. that's right you know, dropping objects that severely affect people's ability to enjoy themselves at sandboxes (this one that changes the gravity and makes everything sink below the sim is a personal fav) also even more immature tools like overtly sexual shit i wear while decked out as a demon toting an intoxicated teddy bear on his back with a katana in hand and bump hud the fuck out of any poor sap who gets in my way have always proved to work relatively well. teamed up with my partner in crime "mctouchin" we spread the lovin around at various sims such as strip clubs, furry hangouts, sandboxes, even some linden owned land- my old stomping grounds zebrasil infohub (mctouchin got a slap on the wrist hour suspension for that one), oh and cant forget the adoption agency where my bud, a seemingly innocent teddy bear bounced around on a pogo stick with a ridiculously proportioned penis jiggling around. ah good times. well anywho maybe all this grief will negate the lindens actions to ban me for my profile. would be alot less shit in their world if they thought twice before suspending me i guess is the point i'm trying to convey here. ill put some vids up if can figure out how so u guys can get in on the action.

so i guess its back to the search for a woman who can somehow measure up to my x partner and the bumpkin show later today when i get my account back. im signing off for now more on my shananigans and drama filled sl as it becomes available. if you are bored and reading this harass my x gf kyla eberhart for me. she is married to a man twice her age with kids from a previous marriage that are her age and she likes twinkies alot. she is also a whore and will go on mic slutting it up for anybody who is willing to feed her sick addiction to her nonexistant fantasy world. peace bitches~

oh here are those videos i was speaking of ^ enjoy

ps- i HATE capital letters ;D